Courses Fee
Audentes Education (AE) will not refund tuition fees where a refund application is submitted after the commencement of the second week of teaching.
The student will be eligible for a refund of the course fees payable if he / she withdraws at least 14 days before course commencement. In the event of a refund, please note that a reasonable registration fee will be deducted from the refunded amount. Refund requests received after this period will not be allowed.
Notice of withdrawal must be given in writing and will be based on the date the written notice is received by the Registrar’s Office. Verbal requests will not be considered. Official emails will be considered as valid notice. In the event of the fees paid to the college being lower, the college is entitled to seek the balance amount from the student.
The commencing date of the course shall be the first date when the student is required to have started the course. Deferments will be accepted provided notice is given within a 30 day period but shall not be taken into consideration under such refunds.
Refunds will usually take FOUR weeks to process and the refund payment will be made to the student only via a cheque drawn in a Malaysia bank.
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